(May 31 – June 11, 2021)
Dear Friends,
In these challenging times, we have decided to continue series of lectures under the umbrella of Virtual Motor Control School (VMCS). The purpose of VMCS is similar to that of the Motor Control Summer School (MCSS) that has been running annually over the past 18 years. We hope to provide forum for in-depth discussions of a variety of exciting and contentious issues in the field of motor control in a format that encourages discussions, frequent interruptions of the speaker, digressions, etc.
Every 1.5-h-long session will feature one speaker, a group of “active participants” (former and future speakers) and an unlimited number of viewers (“passive participants”). Active participants will be able to interrupt the speaker, ask questions in real time, digress, etc. Other participants will be encouraged to submit question via chat, and the speaker will try to answer those at the end of the talk. We will use Zoom as the main platform, and sessions will be streamed in real time on Youtube.
Given the time zones, we plan all sessions to start at noon (Eastern US time zone), which corresponds to 9 a.m. in California and 5 – 7 p.m. in Europe (our apologies to colleagues in Asia, Australia, and New Zealand!). At this time, we plan to have three sessions each week, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
The current list of speakers and tentative schedule are:
May 31 – Yuri Ivanenko (Italy)
June 2 – Matthew Tresch (USA)
June 4 – Anatol Feldman and Mindy Levin (Canada)
June 7 – Ilana Nisky (Israel)
June 9 – Gregor Schoner (Germany)
June 11 – Mark Latash (USA)
To receive further information, please write to Luis Mochizuki (mochi@usp.br).
There is no registration and no fees.
Thank you very much!
Hope to see many of you on the screen in May-June.
Mark Latash and Luis Mochizuki
Eger to attend this event.
Hi, I am sendhil from bengaluru india. Interested to attend motor control summer school