Chapters, written by invited speakers at the biennial meetings, form the series
“Progress in Motor Control”.
The following volumes have been published:
- Progress in Motor Control. vol. 1: Bernstein’s Traditions in Movement Studies. Latash M.L. (Editor), Human Kinetics: Urbana, IL, 1998.
- Progress in Motor Control. vol. 2: Structure-Function Relations in Voluntary Movement. Latash M.L. (Editor), Human Kinetics: Urbana, IL, 2002.
- Progress in Motor Control. vol. 3: Effects of Age, Disorder, and Rehabilitation. Latash M.L., Levin M.F. (Editors), Human Kinetics: Urbana, IL, 2004.
- Richardson, Michael J.; Riley, Michael A.; Shockley, Kevin (Eds.) Neural, Computational and Dynamic Approaches
- Latash M.L., Lestienne F. (Editors) (2006) Motor Control and Learning. Springer: NY.
- Sternad D. (Editor) (2009) Progress in Motor Control: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
- Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, v. 629, Springer: New York.
- Danion F., Latash M.L. (Editors) (2010) Motor Control: Theories, Experiments, and Applications. Oxford University Press: New York, NY.