Progress in Motor Control – Call For Proposals

Progress in Motor Control– Call for Proposals – Deadline June 7, 2024 The International Society of Motor Control (ISMC) holds a society meeting every two years. The next Progress in Motor Control (PMC) meeting will be held in 2025. The ISMC will provide support to the organizers of the meeting in the form of a scientific […]

MCSS 2024

MOTOR CONTROL SUMMER SCHOOL – XXI (in Poland!) We invite bright, open-minded graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and young professionals to apply for admission to the Motor Control Summer School # XXI (MCSS- XXI). MCSS-XXI will be a five-day event, September 14 – September 18, 2024. It will include an arrival day (September 14), three days of sessions (September […]

Bylaws of the ISMC

Bylaws of the International Society of Motor Control   Article 1: Name The name of this society shall be the International Society of Motor Control (hereafter the “ISMC”). Article 2: Purpose Section 1 Specific Objectives The purpose of the ISMC is to stimulate and foster education and open debate among scientists from all nations on […]