Thank you to all who attended the 15th MCSS!
Please send pictures to for posting on the website!
See the current gallery here:
We invite bright, open-minded graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and young professionals to apply for admission to the Motor Control Summer School # XV (MCSS-XV). MCSS-XV will be a five-day event, May 31 – June 4, 2018. It will include an arrival day (May 31), three days of sessions (June 1-3), and a departure day (June 4). We plan to bring together 6-10 faculty and 30-40 students selected from the pool of applicants.
The preliminary list of speakers:
Anatol Feldman (University of Montreal, Canada) Yuri Ivanenko (Foundation Santa Lucia, Italy) Mark Latash (Penn State University, USA)
Mindy Levin (McGill University, Canada)
Marco Santello (Arizona State University, USA) Gregor Schöner (Rühr University, Germany)
John Rothwell (University College of London, UK) Matthew Tresch (Northwestern University, USA)
The program will include interactive seminars led by the faculty. Poster sessions will run throughout the meeting including the evening hours.
Each participant will pay his/her expenses. There will be no tuition fee, and the speakers will receive no compensation for their participation. All participants will get a formal certificate of attendance to help them get reimbursed through whatever means they have at their disposal.
We will meet in Hotel “Arigone” in Olomouc, Czech Republic.
The estimated rates are about US$80 per day including meals. Please, do not contact Hotel “Arigone” and do not make any arrangements until you get an official acceptance letter to join MCSS-XV .
If you would like to participate in MCSS-XV, please e-mail a letter of interest to Mark Latash ( with a single- file PDF attachment containing a statement of personal goals and a c.v. with the list of publications and presentations. If you would like to present a poster, submit a single-page abstract (PDF, font Times New Roman 12, reasonably formatted: title, names of the authors, affiliations, main text). Abstract submission is not a pre-requisite for attendance. If you have questions regarding practical issues such as travel, transfers, and accommodations, please contact Dr. Petra Bastlova (
THE DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS: February 15, 2018. Earlier applications will get preference for admission. Admission decisions will be made by March 1, 2018, and those accepted will be notified by e-mail.
I have been working at Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Physical Culture in Palacky University as a assistent professor. My teaching topics are practical seminars in neurology (stroke, Parkinson disease, cerebral palsy). I would like to broaden my knowledge in motor control area.
I am old professional, but I am still fresh thinking.
Dagmar Dupalova
Department of Physiotherapy
Faculty of Physical Culture
Palacký University in Olomouc