11th Annual Motor Control Summer School – Bled, Slovenia

We invite bright, open-minded graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and young professionals to apply for admission to the Motor Control Summer School # XI (MCSS-XI). MCSS-XI will be a five-day event, June 26-30, 2014. It will include an arrival day (June 26), three days of sessions (June 27-29), and a departure day (June 30). For the first time, MCSS will take place in Slovenia! A preliminary agreement has been reached with the “Elovitsa” Hotel/Conference Center in the town of Bled, a beautiful Alpine town alongside a glacier lake, about 20 km from the Ljubljana Airport.

The following speakers expressed their interest in joining MCSS-XI:

Antonio Bicchi, Anatol Feldman, Slobodan Jaric, Mark Latash, Mindy Levin, John Rothwell,Gregor Schöner.

If you would like to participate in MCSS-X:

Please e-mail a letter of interest to Mark Latash (latash@psu.edu) with a single-file PDF attachment containing a statement of personal goals and a c.v. with the list of publications and presentations.Earlier applications will get preference for admission. If you would like to present a poster, submit a single-page abstract (PDF, font Times New Roman 12, reasonably formatted).

Abstract submission is not a pre-requisite for attendance.