ISMC statement about the Executive Order on Immigration

The International Society of Motor Control (ISMC) promotes and supports fundamental research on the principles underlying the control of movements in health and disease. The society is dedicated to fostering the interaction of scientists across borders and nations. Such free and scholarly interaction is a vibrant element of the broader transnational community, whose ultimate goal is the creation of knowledge through the interaction of individuals of all genders, races, ethnicities, religious creed and political affiliation.

Stroke, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury know no borders. Accordingly, their study, cure and treatment should also take place, unimpeded, across the world. President Trump’s executive order on immigration is a cause of great concern as it stifles and disrupts vital international interactions, which require, as a basic element, the possibility of scientists to travel without impediments. A key element in the current pursuit of science is the exchange of students and postdoctoral researchers. These young scientists are the main engine of our progress and dedicate most of their time to work 24/7 in laboratories, often away from their homes, families and friends.

The ISMC joins many academic institutions and professional societies in condemning and opposing the executive order on immigration.  The ISMC is committed to supporting and advocating for scientists that are adversely affected by the EO. As the 2017 Progress in Motor Control Meeting that is scheduled to be held in Miami is fast approaching, we will provide updates on the ISMC website and will make our best efforts to facilitate unimpeded participation by scientists of all nations to ensure that it will be held in the most supportive and collaborative international spirit.


Ferdinando (Sandro) Mussa-Ivaldi


International Society of Motor Control

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